Hello there ,
I was reading your page foxonar.blogspot.com/2008/09/google-alert-google_29.html, when I saw you were mentioning feministing.com, which is a site I like a lot.
Since we share the same interest for women's empowerment and feminism, I thought you might be interested in research I just found and I think it is quite striking.
Apparently female freelancers are making 50% less than their male counterpart – and the news is talking about a declining gender gap?!
I'm trying to raise awareness and spread the word, and it would be great if you could share the research with your users, so that more people know about it.
Here is the research: https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/report-women-freelancers-upwork-fiverr-make-less-men/
Thanks in advance for your help, Kiara Ferreira